On January 12, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated a big achievement by opening a super long bridge called Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri – Nhava Sheva Atal Setu. This special bridge is in Navi Mumbai, and it’s the longest sea bridge in all of India, stretching for 21.8 kilometers.
The Prime Minister did the opening ceremony with Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.
Lots of Money and Help from Japan
Making such a big bridge costs a lot – more than Rs 17,840 crore, to be exact. But don’t worry, because Japan International Cooperation Agency helped by giving a loan of around 30,755 million yen.
Traveling Gets Faster: Mumbai to Navi Mumbai in 15-20 Minutes
This fantastic bridge connects South Mumbai to Navi Mumbai, making the two-hour journey way shorter – just 15-20 minutes.
That’s like magic! It’s going to help people travel between these two places much quicker.
What’s the Big Plan?
This bridge, called Atal Setu, has a big job. It’s here to make things better in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, which includes Mumbai, Thane, Palghar, and Raigad.
- It wants to cut down the travel time between Sewri and Nhava Sheva from two hours to just 20 minutes.
Going Places Faster: Mumbai to Pune, Goa, and More
But wait, there’s more! This bridge is like a shortcut from Mumbai to Pune, Goa, and other cool places in South India. It’s also going to be a faster way from the Mumbai International Airport to Navi Mumbai International Airport.
The Bridge Facts
This super-long bridge has six lanes and covers 16.5 kilometers over the sea and 5.5 kilometers over land. That makes it the longest sea bridge and the longest bridge overall in all of India.
- The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) made this happen by working with smart people from all around the world.
Final Thoughts: A Big Step Forward
So, the opening of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri – Nhava Sheva Atal Setu is like a big step forward for India. It’s not just a bridge; it’s a symbol of making things better, connecting places faster, and making life more exciting for everyone around.
Happy reading!