On December 18, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Swarved Mahamandir, the world’s largest meditation center in Umaraha Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. It is situated in the Umaraha neighborhood, approximately 12 kilometers from the city of Varanasi.
The Swarved Mahamandir is a meditation centre dedicated to the human race; for their moral and spiritual growth.
20 thousand people can meditate together
The Swarved Mandir in Varanasi can accommodate 20 thousand people meditating together.
Important Facts of Swarved Mandir
- The foundation of the Mahamandir was laid in 2004 by Sadguru Acharya Swantantra Dev and Sant Pravar Vigyan Dev.
- The temple is a seven-story structure featuring 125 lotuses on its dome.
- The middle of the temple showcases 125 lotus-shaped petals.
- The Swarveda Mahamandir has been designed in the form of a lotus flower.
- The Swarved Mahamandir spreads across 68,000 square feet.
- The construction involved the collaborative efforts of 600 workers and 15 engineers.
- Pink sandstone decor surrounding the Mandir’s walls.
- The temple features teakwood ceilings and doors adorned with intricate carvings, along with 101 fountains.
- The temple promotes the teachings of Swarveda, emphasizing Brahm Vidya—a body of knowledge that empowers spiritual seekers to maintain a state of consummate Zen characterized by unwavering constancy in peace and happiness.
The temple is named after the Swarved, a spiritual text authored by Sadguru Shri Sadafal Deoji Maharaj, an eternal yogi and the founder of Vihangam Yoga.
Foundation of the Mahamandir
- The foundation of the Mahamandir, the Swarveda, is a divine spiritual scripture written by His Holiness, Sadguru Shri Sadafal Deoji Maharaj – an eternal Yogi and Founder of Vihangam Yoga.
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath, Union Minister, Shri Narendra Nath Pandey, Sadguru Acharya Shri Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj and Sant Pravar Shri Vigyandeo Ji Maharaj were present on the occasion.