A 20-year-old student from Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, named Paruchuri Abhijit, was tragically murdered by unidentified attackers in the United States. He was pursuing engineering at Boston University and was killed on March 11.
His body was discovered in a car abandoned in a forest. Abhijit, who was the only son of Paruchuri Chakradhar and Srilakshmi, had always shown academic promise since childhood.
According to a report by The Times of India, the body of Paruchuri Abhijit was discovered in a forest located within the university campus.
- The report suggests that Abhijit may have been targeted by his attackers for money and his laptop. Abhijit had traveled to the US with dreams of pursuing higher education and building a successful career in engineering at Boston University.
- The police are currently investigating the crime, and the identities of the attackers remain unknown.
Incidents of Violence Against Individuals of Indian Descent in the United States
In 2024, this marks the ninth occurrence of an attack targeting individuals of Indian origin in the United States.
Most recently, a student named Shreyas Reddy Beniger, studying at Ohio’s Linder School of Business, passed away on February 8.
- Media reports indicate that US authorities have dismissed any suspicions of foul play or hate crimes.
In January, Vivek Saini, an Indian student, fell victim to a brutal attack involving repeated hammer blows by a homeless man inside a store in Lithonia, Georgia, US.
- The incident, captured on video, had quickly spread across social media.
In February, an entire Indian family was tragically killed, followed by the shooting of an Indian musician.
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