The country’s first Sainik school for girls has been inaugurated in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. Known as Samvid Gurukulam Balika Sainya Vidyalaya, the school is situated within the Vatsalya Gram Parisar, established by Sadhvi Ritambhara.
Defence minister Rajnath Singh and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minsiter Yogi Adityanath dedicated the school to all girls in the country.
Key Points about Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School:
1. The school is equipped with 120 seats, and a written examination is scheduled for January 21. Successful candidates will undergo e-counselling before the release of a merit list.
2. Admissions for girls will be conducted in three batches. In addition to military training, students will receive coaching in sports and obstacle training, led by former soldiers or NCC trainers.
3. This marks the inception of the first all-girls Sainik school, boasting an approximate enrollment of 870 students.
4. The establishment is part of an initiative to create 100 new Sainik schools in collaboration with NGOs, private entities, and state government schools across all states and union territories.
- The establishment of 100 new Sainik Schools aims to offer students quality education aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) while enhancing their career prospects.
Happy reading!!